Skilled Nursing in Raleigh, NC

We understand that finding the right care for your loved one is a top priority. Quality of life and prolonged independence can be achieved by using a local skilled nurse from Chancey Home Care Inc in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Skilled Nursing in Raleigh, North Carolina
Our dedicated nurses can assist with age-related issues, disability, and injury treatments. Your loved one will get the best care from the comfort of their home. A nurse will also be able to monitor general health.

Why You Should Choose Skilled Nursing Care Over A Facility

A facility is not always the answer when things get too complicated for you to keep up with the care on your own. In-home nurses can bring the same high level of care while personalizing within a comfortable, familiar environment. This can speed up recovery, slow the development of stress-related symptoms, and keep them connected with family.

Nurse Home Health Care Services

Skilled Nursing caregivers that provide in-home services are not the same as nonmedical caregivers. They are instead meant to assist individuals with more severe mental or physical issues.

Below are a few of the services offered by certified nurses.

  • Medication management and reminders
  • Intravenous (IV) therapy
  • Assistance with various specialized equipment, including tracheostomy tubes and ventilators
  • Monitoring general physical and mental health status
  • Physical therapy
  • Wound care management and treatment
  • Pain management
  • Blood draws
  • Intramuscular injections
  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) care
Skilled Nursing in Raleigh, North Carolina

SN caregivers are licensed and capable of giving superior in-home health care to individuals of all ages, including children who may be suffering from an accident, illness, or disability. We have talented men and women who can keep your loved one healthy and safe.

Find A Nurse Today

Chancey Home Care Inc in Raleigh, North Carolina. serves families in need of home health care within Raleigh, North Carolina and surrounding areas. For more information or to schedule a skilled nurse for your loved one, reach out to us today.

Book Skilled Nursing in Raleigh, North Carolina with Chancey Home Care Inc today!


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