Preventing Pressure Ulcers in Raleigh, NC
Pressure ulcers, or as they are sometimes called pressure injuries, are most common among older adults. While they might seem harmless, they are very painful and can make life difficult for seniors. Thankfully, you can get help in treating and preventing pressure ulcers at Chancey Home Care Inc.

Our staff is highly professional, and they are trained in working with patients who have injuries on the skin or underlying tissue in parts of the body with bones close to the surface. While pressure ulcers are not considered a grave medical condition, they are among the leading health issues that home health care providers encounter. This is why our program at Chancey Home Care Inc is a coordinated effort between our skilled aides, patients, and their family members, all with the goal of preventing pressure ulcers.
For patients who live in their homes, the most essential part of pressure ulcer prevention in the home environment. When a member of our caregiving team gets familiar with a patient and their habits, the work on preventing pressure injuries begins.
The most significant factor in preventing pressure ulcers is setting and following protocols. Members of our staff primarily focus on the following:
- Assessing the patient’s risk on a regular basis using tools such as the Braden or Braden Q Scale
- Inspecting the patient’s skin in search of pressure ulcers, places where they are most likely to appear, and places where the patient might have had them in the past
- Educating the patient and their family members on pressure injuries, positioning, and dietary needs
- Working with the patient on their nutrition, hydration, exercise program, and moisture management
- Maintaining communication with the patient, family members, and doctors’ offices

While preventing pressure ulcers is not easy, this painful condition can be controlled, and its effects minimized, through a coordinated effort between our trained staff, our patients, and their families. All you need to do is contact us at Raleigh, North Carolina and arrange a meeting.